XpertReach Brand Guidelines
For use of the XpertReach brand in any communications
XpertReach Logo:
The XpertReach brand includes the XpertReach name, logo, graphics, colours, etc. When using the XpertReach brand for marketing purposes or creating XpertReach content, please follow these Guidelines
Use only the attached Logo files for email use:

Use only the attached Logo files for digital and print use:

Alternative square XpertReach logo for presentations and online use

Reverse Logo in orange – for use on dark backgrounds

For an .ai or high resolution copy of the Logo, please contact our Marketing team: [email protected]
Do’s and Don’ts of using the XpertReach Logo:
XpertReach Brand Colours
XpertReach uses the following colours:
Buttons & Website Colour. Dark Blue #2B73B3
Logo Colour. Orange #F8971B
Logo and Meta Colour. Dark Blue. #042E3A
Headings and Buttons. Light Blue. #4DB3E9
Background and Buttons. Light Grey. #E7E7E7
Website. Dark Grey. #9F9F9F
Text. Black. #000000
Text. White. #FFFFFF
XpertReach uses the following fonts:
Headings Font: Arial
Primary Font: Arial
Secondary Font: Sans Serif
XpertReach Name
In Text / Content XpertReach name is used with the Capitalisations as XpertReach – with X and R capitalised. The name must always be used with these two letters capitalised
Usage Policy:
- Always use the XpertReach name in text / content with capitalisation as above XpertReach
- Always use the XpertReach name with the correct spellings
- Do not mis-spell or use different Capitalisations with the XpertReach name
Approvals and Queries